WAYS OF THE CIRCLE - in different practices

PIP BONDY - her way of approaching the healing practice of the circle is described in the first part of this video
OJAY FOUNDATION (- now https://topa.institute -) about the council circle as a simple and powerful way of heart and community
MANITONQUAT my initial way into circle work
I entered the world of the circle by meeting Manitonquat -
'Medicine Story' - a modern, native american elder.
He is the author of several books on circles (circleway.org) and worked to spread its importance in a lifelong partnership with Ellika Linden.
He died in 2018, aged 89 with a fresh and strong spark.
I was introduced to their work by participating in camps and circles. Including the community circle, family council, shared and changing leadership.

"The true value (of a circle) is the relationships developed    through vulnerability and intimacy. As barriers melt away,
it leads us towards things that nobody expected."
Uri Meir, on his work with migrants in Umbria, Italy
'Cirkling' er et begreb for dét som kan ske i et fællesskab, når alle er committet til og opmærksomme på at relatere med bevidsthed.
CirclingEurope (www.cirklingeurope.com) skriver:
 "Circling is what is happening in the present moment in our connections with each other"
"There is no trying to get anywhere (although we include our longings and desires); we simply open more skilfully to what is here within us and between us"
The 5 principles of Circling er: 
Commitment to Connection (Presence with self and others)
Owning your experience (Responsability)
Staying with the level of sensation (Embodiment)
Being with the other in the world (Honoring)
Trusting Experience (Trust)
SURRENDERED LEADERSHIPSELF-LEADERSHIP, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WHOLE er en del af dette koncept, som udfordrer facilitatorene/lederne i hengivelse til processen og alles ligeværdige medspil.
Ligesom det peger på at alle må se sig selv som med-ledere. 
I tråd med min egen erkendelse fordrer CIRCLING for mig at se også en tillid til at vi udfolder en sameksistens med planeten ved at være sand over for hvad der sker i og imellem os i nuet. 
Muligvis et sted for mig at åbne ind i nye erfaRinger og embodiment af mine idealer.
HEART-SOURCE.COM / facebook: Way of Council ved
Rob Dreaming
THECIRCLEWAY.NET / facebookgruppe: the circle way practitioners
baseret på Christina Balwin og Ann Linneas arbejde
seedsofthenew.dk | Sukkertoppen, Søhøjlandet, Midtjylland - DENMARK